Friday 21 June 2013

Weston Park 2013 - Reds Duo - Steve and Matt Bishop Flying their awesome RC Hawk Red Arrows

Not strictly LMAC, but how can you not post this? Enjoy!

A sunset tour around the LMAC flying site

Monday 10 June 2013

For Sale

Keep your eye on the LMAC 'For Sale' page over the next couple of weeks. There are one or two nice models going to be listed there along with various accessories.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Warbirds Galore

The Warbirds were out in force on Sunday 2nd June and Colin Wilson was able to capture some (as usual) stunning shots.  Click on the picture below to see the full set.

Great work Colin and thanks for submitting these.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Old meets New

A couple of weeks back, Matt Chamberlain was given special permission by the club and Pete Catlow to hover over the Control Line circle to capture the following video.  The video shows Pete flying his control line Twister which is being captured on video by Matt flying FPV with his DJI 450 Quad Copter.

On a Control Line note, Andy Green entered the Bowden Competition at the FF NATS and came 11th out of a field of 40. Well done Andy and we look forward to seeing you back at Gumley very soon.