Friday, 31 January 2014

An additional Indoor Flying Session booked for February

Given the record rain fall in January has somewhat scuppered outdoor flying opportunities recently, the appetite to fly indoors has been high with LMAC members requesting an additional session be booked. Not wanting to disappoint, an additional session has been booked and we're pleased to report that we have slots booked at Parklands Wigston for:

  • Saturday 8th February 8pm-10pm 
  • Saturday 22nd February 8pm-10pm 

As always, more details can be found on Indoor page, but we look forward to see you at one or both of the sessions in February.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Tools anyone? A large selection on sale.

LMAC member Myles Foskett's school The Robert Smyth Academy is selling a number of tools off. Take a look at the For Sale page for a selection of tools for sale.

Monday, 20 January 2014

18th January LMAC Indoor Flying and a busy Sunday 19th January at LMAC

Another busy weekend of RC flying. First up on Saturday 18th January saw 24 pilots take part in the free indoor flying session at Parklands Wigston. Fast forward 11 hours and the skies around Gumley were alive with all manner of flying aircraft! Many thanks as always for the pictures from Howard Murphy and Colin Wilson.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Indoor Flying - Saturday 18th January 2014 @ Parklands Wigston

A reminder that we have our scheduled January Indoor Flying meeting on Saturday 18th January 2014 at 8pm-10pm with the bonus it will be a free of charge event!  We look forward to see you at Parklands in Wigston and get those batteries on charge.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

We have a new carrot, I mean wind sock!

DSC_1481DSC_1486 D&MDSC_1484 D&MDSC_1480DSC_1479DSC_1475
Leicester Model Aero Club LMAC's photostream on Flickr.

What a hive of activity there was on Sunday 12th January. Despite the frost, the day started flat calm and for once, you could actually feel the warmth of the sun on your back, albeit for about 20 minutes! The clouds soon rolled in, but that didn't stop the flying activity as a host of fixed wing, helicopters and multi rotors took to the sky; including some maidens too (Colin's new Stev S and Mick Chans Riot). Many thanks to Howard, Colin and Dan for capturing some stunning pictures. Those Stingers flying together looking cracking and I can imagine it wasn't easy capturing them given the speed they travel. Many thanks also to Mrs Murphy for the excellent new wind  sock. I nice shot of Richard doing what he does in the background too. A great flying day and I hope you enjoy.   Click on the link to see all 38 pictures!