Monday, 30 December 2013

'It was flat calm when I left my house' - LMAC 29th December 2013

Richard DSC_1384Richard DSC_1383Richard DSC_1382Richard DSC_1381DSC_1370DSC_1365
DSC_1359DSC_1364DSC_1356DSC_1353DSC_1351Collin DSC_1379
Collin DSC_1378Collin DSC_1377Collin DSC_1374Happy Collin DSC_1380Bills YAK DSC_1396Bills YAK DSC_1394
Bills YAK DSC_1390Bill DSC_1387He didn't hear it coming!John waiting patiently and looking rather cold!I'll av you!Thomas with his new ME-262

One by one they turned up at LMAC on Sunday 29th December and the common statement when getting out of the car was 'It was flat calm when I left my house'! Don't let the gorgeous blue sky deceive you, the wind on Sunday would cut you in two. That said, it didn't stop people flying and LMAC Vice Chairman Howard Murphy captured a great set of pictures of Heli's, multi-rotors, EDFs and aerobatic planes all braving the elements. Those long warm August evenings seem a million miles away now! Enjoy

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Some stunning views from above LMAC

Some stunning views from above and around LMAC. Saddington, Foxton, Gumley, Gartree Prison and Bruntingthorpe in the distance are all in view.

Matt Chamberlain tests and trims his new SkyWalker FPV plane LOS before landing it whilst flying FPV as shown in the above video.  Having the GoPro camera right on the nose, means you can get more ground as opposed to sky in the video if you angle the camera slightly downwards. I'm sure we will be seeing more from this plane in 2014.


Thursday, 26 December 2013

LMAC 26th December 2013 - Boxing Day

Dan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenDan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenDan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenDSCF1Dan - Parkzone SE5a Mainden927StingerStinger
Grubs upGrubs upGrubs upDan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenDan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenDan - Parkzone SE5a Mainden
Dan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenDan - Parkzone SE5a MaindenThe flight line on Boxing DayMatt - Addiction XDeprons still going strongThomas with his new ME-262
I'll av you!John waiting patiently and looking rather cold!He didn't hear it coming!

LMAC 26th December 2013 - Boxing Day, a set on Flickr.
A bit of a foggy start, but a few LMAC members braved the chilly wind to try out some new models. Dan Simmond's little Parkzone SE5a looked great against the blue sky once the fog cleared. The pork pie and Christmas left overs was enjoyed by all too :)

Pictures from Howard, Matt and Dan

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Happy Christmas from the Leicester Model Aero Club!

Happy Christmas from the Leicester Model Aero Club. Have a wonderful day and we wish you many safe landings in 2014!  Boxing Day is looking like the winds may let up, so we hope to see a few flyers for some Boxing Day fun.  Don't forget any left over Christmas Day food too for the lunchtime snack!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Additional Christmas/New Year Indoor session provisionally booked - 4th January

Due to popular demand, an additional Christmas/New Year Indoor Flying session has been provisionally arranged for 4th January 2014 at 8pm.  We will confirm the booking very soon, but wanted to provide a heads up.

More details on the Indoor page.