Thursday, 28 August 2014

Club EGM - Tuesday, 2nd September at Kibworth Grammar School, (LE8 0EW), at 7:30pm

The Club EGM to discuss and vote on the proposed changes to the club documentation is next Tuesday, 2nd September at Kibworth Grammar School, (LE8 0EW), at 7:30pm. Please do your best to make it as it affects us all to some degree.

Monday, 25 August 2014

British Nationals 'NATS' 2014 - Show line action shots

British Nationals 'NATS' 2014 - Show line action shots by Matt Chamberlain.  Please share any pictures you captured during the NATS and we can add them here.

British Nationals 2014

Can you spot yourself?  Click on the picture to be taken to a site where you can rotate the image around and see the extent of the Nats.

 BMFA Nats 2014 from the Air

Monday, 18 August 2014

Gala Day 2014 - 17th August 2014

Thanks to Howard Murphy for providing the pictures from LMAC Gala Day 2014. After a wet start, the rain cleared by the wind remained! There was still an excellent turn out and I hope the members and guests enjoyed the BBQ food which was kindly laid on.  Many thanks to all those who helped and made the day a good one.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

A 1st and 2nd for LMAC

The ink on the new BMFA Multi-Rotor A and B tests had hardly had time to dry having been published late on Tuesday 12th August, but LMAC members John Payne and Matt Chamberlain became the first known people in the country to pass the new BMFA A Multi-Rotor test on Wednesday 13th August as the sun was going down.  The tests were examined by our newly appointed Helicopter Examiner Richard Van Aken and were also overlooked by BMFA Cheif Examiner Andy Symons who was visiting LMAC on Wednesday to carry out some noise testing experiments.

Well done to both John and Matt and hopefully some of the other LMAC multi-rotor pilots will work towards these achievements too.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

BMFA Multi-Rotor Achievement Scheme Launched!

After many requests from clubs and individuals the BMFA Multi-Rotor achievement scheme has been launched.
The standards and guidelines booklets are available to download from or directly from the links below.

Multi-Rotor A

Multi-Rotor B

Test forms for examiners can be obtained by calling the BMFA office on 0116 244 0028 or by emailing
Test forms will also be available from the BMFA tent at the Nationals.
We should be in receipt of these forms at the club on Wednesday 13th August for all of those Multi-Rotor pilots who wish to have a go at these tests.

Basic Carrier Deck competition 3rd August 2014 - report and results

Andy Green has provided the following link/update following the recent Carrier Deck competition in early August.  More pictures to follow.

Basic Carrier Deck competition 3rd August 2014 - report and results

Friday, 8 August 2014

Provisional dates for the LMAC Indoor Flying sessions 2014/5

Provisional dates for the LMAC 2014/5 Indoor season have been penciled in.  We're just awaiting confirmation from Parklands given that they have refurbishment works on-going.  We should get confirmation by the end of August that the below dates are confirmed.  As with previous years, should there by demand for more sessions in a month, then these can be accommodated as required.

Date of meeting at Parklands Leisure Centre Wigston LE2 5QG
Saturday 18th October 2014 8pm-10pm
Saturday 15th November 2014 8pm-10pm
Saturday 13th December 2014 8pm-10pm
Saturday 10th January 2015 8pm-10pm
Saturday 7th February 2015 8pm-10pm
Saturday 14th March 2015 8pm-10pm

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Sunday 3rd August - Control Line - Carrier Deck gathering

Some pictures from Sunday 3rd August - LMAC Control Line - Carrier Deck gathering.  Good to see all those involved having a good time.