Friday, 8 August 2014

Provisional dates for the LMAC Indoor Flying sessions 2014/5

Provisional dates for the LMAC 2014/5 Indoor season have been penciled in.  We're just awaiting confirmation from Parklands given that they have refurbishment works on-going.  We should get confirmation by the end of August that the below dates are confirmed.  As with previous years, should there by demand for more sessions in a month, then these can be accommodated as required.

Date of meeting at Parklands Leisure Centre Wigston LE2 5QG
Saturday 18th October 2014 8pm-10pm
Saturday 15th November 2014 8pm-10pm
Saturday 13th December 2014 8pm-10pm
Saturday 10th January 2015 8pm-10pm
Saturday 7th February 2015 8pm-10pm
Saturday 14th March 2015 8pm-10pm

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