Monday 23 September 2013

Indoor Flying returns on Saturday 28th September 8pm

All, for those of you not on the LMAC Facebook Groups/Twitter, here is a reminder that the LMAC Indoor Flying monthly sessions resume from Saturday 28th September at Parklands Wigston. More details can be found by clicking the on the Indoor button above.  We look forward to see you there and at future meetings.

Autumn Flying

As we enter the Autumn months, Summer didn't want to release it's grips and the guys who turned up to fly at LMAC on Sunday 22nd September were treated to a gorgeous sunny day with light winds.  Colin Wilson was also on hand to capture some more stunning pictures against the blue skies.  Can you spot yours in the linked set below?

The above pictures show's new LMAC Membership Secretary John Payne flying his very scale like Bi-Plane.  Click on the picture above or the link below for more stunning photo's from Colin Wilson's collection. Thanks once again for sharing.

Show Photo - 22nd September 2013

Monday 9 September 2013

Brian Sansom's ashes.

Just a reminder that Brian Sansom's sons will be scattering his ashes at the club tomorrow evening, Tuesday 10th September at 7pm - 7.15pm. It's taking place in the valley the other side of the flying field where there is a conservation area which is allowed to run wild and not disturbed by grass cutting and it all belongs to the club. You're welcome to come along if you wish to.

LMAC - Flight Line Time Lapse

A Time Lapse video from Sunday 8th September 2013.

AHA - Season Closer - Event Cancelled

The AHA Season Close which was scheduled for Saturday 5th October has now been cancelled. As such, the flying field will be open for all members on that date. The calendar has been updated and we look forward to hopefully welcome the guys from the AHA back in April 2014 for the Season Opener.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

The nights are drawing in........

Sadly the nights are really drawing in on us now, soon the only real opportunity to fly into the evening will be the Indoor Flying  (Saturday 28th September at 8pm Parklands Wigston (see indoor page for more details).  Nevertheless, a good 20 people took advantage of a stunning evening on Wednesday 4th September and flew until about 8pm when the sun dropped below the Gumley hills...

There were one or two pizza's in the oven too!