Monday, 30 November 2020

LMAC - COVID-19 Update December 2020

The LMAC Committee met on Sunday evening and I'm happy to update you that we will be re-opening the field from Wednesday 2nd December 2020 in line with the latest Covid-19 Government and BMFA guidance (see below). Our local club Covid-19 guidance was reviewed and the only thing we decided to change on the basis of minimising the risk of transmission is to keep the Workshop closed. A further Government review is scheduled for the 16th December 2020 and we will again review the situation at that point.

Covid 19 Regulations Update
The Government have released updated guidance that comes into effect from 2nd December when local restriction tiers will replace the current National restrictions in England.
Based on this guidance, and subject to Parliamentary confirmation, Model Flying Clubs in all Tiers can re-open; however, you are expected to operate in a Covid secure way. See
The rule of 6 also applies in all Tiers and you should not organise gatherings of more than 6 people. However, should more than 6 people independently attend a flying site this does not appear to be a breach of the regulations provided that they do not mingle.
Members should avoid travelling in to and out of Tier 3 (Very High Alert) areas.

Please direct any new membership enquires through to or
New members are welcome and we would be happy to discuss how to join the club.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

24/03/2020 - Flying Site at Gumley closed until further notice due to Covid-19

All, following the guidelines put out by the BMFA on Monday (shared by John Payne via email) and the latest Government curbs on life including banning of public gatherings of more than two people. Unfortunately, we now have to close the flying site at Gumley immediately until further notice. Essential maintenance will still continue and will be coordinated by the Site Manager.

All LMAC calendar events over the next 12 weeks will be postponed and later reviewed when hopefully the situation has improved. These decisions have not been taken lightly, but I would urge all members to adhere to them. As a Committee, we will keep a close eye on updates and share any decisions with you then after.
Finally, please stay safe and look after yourselves during these very unsettling times for us all.

I look forward to flying with you all very soon. Take care.
Matt Chamberlain