Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Indoor Flying Update

As you will have no doubt seen with the regular LMAC email updates. Due to the Roller Skating sessions being extended at Parklands until 10pm, the Saturday time slot is no longer available for us for our indoor flying activities. We're currently trying to seek an alternative venue which will provide us with a couple of hours per month at a reasonable price.  At present, this is proving difficult to find, but the search will continue.

Further updates will be provided, so keep an eye on the Indoor page and future email updates.

If anyone has any suggestions in terms of suitable available venues then let Matt Chamberlain know.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

FPV chase - Bixler 3 on Tucano

A spot of FPV chasing by Matt Chamberlain, trying to keep Peter Elson's Tucano in shot.

LMAC - 5th October 2014 - Flight Actio

Some of the action from LMAC earlier today by Matt Chamberlain. Thanks to Andy Prime for the use of his new 400mm lens. Just a selection from the few Matt took earlier. Hope your model figures..... enjoy

Friday, 3 October 2014

More FPV fun around LMAC.

Simon Carter and Matt Chamberlain having a bit of FPV fun around LMAC on Sunday 28th September