Sunday, 27 April 2014

LMAC Flying Action - 27th April 2014

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Action from the Easter Monday Flying at LMAC - 21st April 2014

Some of the action from the LMAC Easter Monday flying on 21st April 2014. Click on the link below to see the full set as provided by Matt Chamberlain. I'm sure you'll agree Peter Elsom's electric converted Spitfire looks just stunning. If only we could replicate the merlin engine sound then that would be something else!  Enjoy.

Some of the LMAC members visited the Coventry Air Museum on Sunday 20th April 2014. Here are a selection of photos from the day provided by Howard Murphy.  Use the left/right arrows to scroll through the pictures or click on the link below to be taken to the Flickr Album where all the pictures can be viewed.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

First Wednesday night fly-in - 16th April

The first Wednesday evening Fly-in also known as Pizza Wednesday took place on 16th April. The flight line was busy and we were treated to a gorgeous sunny day/evening where a number of members took full advantage. The oven was pretty busy too! Flick on the following link or use the left and right arrows on the picture below to get a glimpse of the planes and helis on display.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Easter Monday 21st April - Flying / BBQ meet

Subject to the weather behaving, we're hoping to get the BBQ out at our LMAC site on Easter Monday 21st April.  All contributions will be gladly cooked/eaten, so please bring something with you on Monday! We look forward to see you there!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

LMAC Flying Action - Sunday 13th April 2014

Despite the gorgeous sunshine, those that ventured up to the field on Sunday 13th April were met with a stiff wind gusting well over 20 mph. Despite this, the aircraft still took to the air and the camera were on hand to capture the action once again. Many thanks to Howard Murphy, Matt James and Matt Chamberlain for providing the action shots.  Use the left/right arrows on the pictures to scroll through the available shots or click the either of the two links below to be taken to the complete sets on Flickr.