Thursday, 19 June 2014

Helicopter - BMFA Achievement Scheme Day - Saturday 26th July 2014

For all those members who are looking to attain their Helicopter BMFA A, B or Examiner certificates, we have arranged for a BMFA Area Helicopter examiner to visit the club on Saturday 26th July to examine a number of helicopter pilots. The BMFA achievement scheme helps promote safe flying and as club members, this is something which we should all be striving for.

Leading up to the 26th July, we will be running sessions where the different schedules can be practiced and assistance will be provide to help you with this. Just speak to Richard Van Aiken or Matt Chamberlain if you need any help and wish to participate on the 26th July.

We will be keeping a watchful eye on the weather forecast leading up to the date, so keep an eye on this page and the LMAC Facebook page for more details.

Similar schemes for Fixed Wing pilots are also being planned; so watch this space!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A great initiative guys, happy to help out where needed!

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