Saturday, 26 March 2016

A Good Friday....

Most LMAC members would have studied the Easter weather forecast and concluded that Good Friday was going to offer the best opportunity to fly over the long holiday weekend. Thus far it's proved to be correct and we had 25+ members sign in to fly on Friday 25th March 2016.  Blue skies and not a transmitter mit in sight brought a whole host of new models which were getting their maiden who had not flown at LMAC for some time.

The following set of Flickr pictures shows some of the fine models on display:

LMAC - 25th March 2016 - Good Friday

It was a Good Friday for most mixed in with a couple of unfortunate casualties to one or two models. One of those was John Paynes competition model which suffered a totally accident mid-air with Thomas Newitt's model as he was practising for his BMFA Fixed Wing A certificate.  Fortunately, Thomas's plane came off in better shape and he later went on to successfully pass the BMFA Fixed Wing A certificate. Well done Thomas!

Also doing very well was younger step brother Louis Pilon who very successfully buddied up with Father Ian for his first taste of RC flying outside of the simulator.  He took to it like a duck from water and was landing the plane after three flights! Well done to Louis too and it won't be long before he's taking his Fixed wing certificate at this rate!

As always the patch is looking in excellent condition despite the rain, so get out and enjoy some flying!

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