Sunday, 10 December 2017

*** CANCELLED *** Indoor Flying - Sunday 10th December 2017 *** CANCELLED ***

Good morning all,

I’ve taken the decision to cancel the indoor flying session for this evening 10th December 2017;  I know a lot of you travel a fair distance and in the interest of safety first, I wanted to let you know as soon as possible.   The forecast looks like the snow is going to continue to fall until this evening and is then set to freeze overnight, therefore it’s not worth the risk of travelling.

I’ll look to see if we can squeeze another meeting into January or February 2018 and keep you posted.  This same message, will be posted on Facebook, email and the LMAC website, but please share with anyone who you might have shared with outside of these circles.

Sorry for any disappointment caused. There’s always another day!

If I don’t see you before Christmas, then I wish you all the very best.

Matt Chamberlain

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