Monday, 15 April 2013

Reminder --->> New Pilot Open Day NPOD– Sunday 21st April 2013

On Sunday 21st April 2013 from 08:30 onwards the LMAC will be holding a New Pilot Open Day (NPOD).  Therefore the flying field will not be available for LMAC members who are not participating to use the flying field.

This event will be in conjunction with the  GBR/CAA ( Great Britain Radio Control Aerobatic Association).  There will be levy of £7.50 per pilot for the day. To compensate we are planning to provide pilots and supporters with a  bbq/bacon roll.

You must: Hold a BMFA “A” Certificate.

We are aiming to have 4 mentors so that they will have 3/4 new pilots each to coach during the day.

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Please contact Andy Prime or Chris Bond ( if you wish to participate. 

Please ensure that the model you will be bringing with you can meet the BMFA’s 82 db noise limit.  It would be best to get this measured at your Club and to bring a certificate to this effect.  However, we reserve the right to noise check any model that we consider to be noisy!  As regards trimming your model, you might wish to see this guide on trimming on the GBR/CAA website

Most of all the emphasis on the day will be relaxed and good fun. We hope you have an enjoyable day and come away feeling that you have learned a lot.

Outline Schedule of Events – amended to reflect 10 pilots flying

08:30 onwards             Arrival and checking of insurance
09:00 – 09:15              Pilots Briefing (CPB)
09:15 –                        1st round Mentored(10 mins per flight, 10 flights)
                                    2nd round Mentored (10 mins per flight, 10 flights
                                    Lunch – demo flights
                                    3rd round Mentored (10 mins per flight, 10 flights)
                                    Brief on Clubman Schedule
                                    Clubman Competition  (approx. 6 mins per flight)
17.30                           Debrief and Results

See the following link for an example of the GBR/CAA Sportsman Schedule

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