Thursday, 25 April 2013

Two unlikely visitors to the flying field!

Matt Chamberlain's new DJI 450 Quadcopter equipped with the Naza controller board got it's maiden FPV flight on Wednesday evening.  Whilst flying FPV, Matt spotted two objects in the lower left corner of the field (not visible from the flight line). The video footage from the On Screen Display shows what he found!

We later managed to heard the two visitors back to their home, but 20 minutes later they were back and Howard was informed!

As can be seen from the video, the Quad is incredibly versatile and stable and it was a shame the ground station recorded the video in Black and White.  Matt's currently waiting for a special camera gimbal which will carry the HD GoPro camera and enable him to tilt the camera to look directly down whilst the aircraft sits in GPS altitude hold!  All very technical stuff!

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